Our Governors

At De La Salle School, governors are responsible for ensuring that the "school runs well", as advocated by the founder St. John Baptist De La Salle. They work not only on behalf of parents, society or the Government but also, from a Lasallian perspective, as a co-operator with God in enabling each young person to learn to "live life to the full".  Governors have a crucial role to play in forming the De La Salle School community through the appointments and decisions they make, their attention to the relevance of educational provision, and their regular evaluations of all aspects of school life.


Local Governing Board

Chair: S Murray

Vice Chair: S O’Brien



Catholic Life and Culture Committee

Chair: S O'Brien

Vice Chair: C Millen

Finance, Premises and Personnel Committee

Chair: G Tyrer

Vice Chair: S Murray

Quality of Education Committee

Chair: A Hodgson

Vice Chair: C Greensmith


Current Governors: September 2024


Foundation Governors (appointed by the De La Salle Provincial):

Anne Hodgson

Robin Nunnery

Sarah O'Brien

Greg Tyrer

Anna Houghton

Samantha Murray



Headteacher Governor:

A Rannard


Parent Governors (elected by parents):

Natalie Lynch

Claire Millen


Staff Governor (elected by staff):

Christine Greensmith



Associate Members:

Edward Hodgson


Useful Documents