
School Calendar

June 5

Location: De La Salle School

Time: 8.30am

School re-opens for all students on Monday 5th June, following the half term break.

Location: De La Salle School

Assessment weeks for year 7 students, running from Monday 5th June to Friday 16th June.
Year 10 mock exams will run from 5th June to 16th June, and will take place in the sports hall using the formal GCSE exam setup.
June 8

Location: De La Salle School

Year 8 parents' evening will take place on Thursday 8th June between 3.15pm and 7pm. A choice of online or face to face appointments will be available. Information about booking appointments will be sent out via ParentMail.
June 26
Staff training day 5 - school closed to students.

Location: London

A group of students from years 8 will visit London to learn more about maths in the real world, including a visit to Bletchley Park and completing the London Maths Trail. Students involved will receive full information from their teacher.
June 27

Location: Castlehead, Lancashire

Time: 8.00am-5.00pm

Year 10 GCSE geography students will visit Castlehead in Lancashire to complete their fieldwork element of the course. Students involved will receive full information from their teacher.
June 28

Location: Barcelona

A group of students from years 9 & 10 will visit Barcelona to learn more about Spanish culture and language. Students involved will receive full information from their teacher.

Location: Yarnfield Centre, Stoke

A group of KS3 students will represent the school at the SVP Youth Conference in Stoke. Students involved will receive full information from their teacher.
June 30

Location: De La Salle School

The school will celebrate Founders Day on Friday 30th June with mass and a range of house activities. Students will finish at 1pm.