With our young people needing to spend an increasing amount of time online, the risks, and need for us to monitor their usage, has also increased.
Most social media apps and websites have procedures for removing inappropriate content. Often these websites rely on users ‘reporting’ inappropriate content to them. Below are links which may help with more information regarding the procedures for reporting content for several high-profile social media networks/services:
If you need any support then please contact one of the safeguarding team in school: safeguarding@delasalleschool.org.uk
All staff at De La Salle recognise their responsibility to safe guard our young people.
However, key people in the safeguarding team are:
Mrs A De'Ath: Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr A Fletcher: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr P Hale: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
There is always someone to talk to; always a solution to the problem.