National Careers Week: 7th – 12th March
National Careers Week is a week to celebrate and highlight Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance. At De La Salle, we took full advantage of all the focus and events going on at this very important stage in the academic calendar for all our students.
Over the course of the week students took part in form activities including My Future Job and Guess the Teacher, where by students had to guess the member of staff by their careers journey (GCSEs/O-Levels, A-Levels, Degree and previous jobs). Students really enjoyed this activity, finding some teachers' previous jobs particularly interesting; including Mr Rannard as a bouncer!
Students also took part in subject specific activities within their lessons, including PSHCE. The round of careers activities was topped off with a live stream session, delivered by Knowsley Safari Park to all year 7 & 8 students, during which students learnt about the various roles at the safari park, such as keeping, research, conservation and education.